The Gold Coast is Australia’s sixth-largest city and Queensland’s fastest-growing region, with a thriving local business community. The Gold Coast Junior Chamber of Commerce represents young professionals, aged 18-35, who are shaping the future of our city. 
While this age group represents our member base, we also greatly appreciate it when community leaders and local business owners take time out of their busy schedules to attend our events.


Bringing the most relevant information through the latest industry insight and expertise to learn and upskill.


Creating a platform to meet young professionals and make new contacts through a dynamic mix of events.


Leveraging the issues that are most relevant and important to our members to put them in front of decision makers.

Year History

Young Entrepreneurs


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Christine Buxton


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BJ Doyle

Vice President

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Gabriel Rilley


GCJCC provide a platform where young professionals can upskill, network and collaborate, and create a voice to shape the future of our city.

Gold Coast

The Gold Coast Junior Chamber of Commerce is the industry body representing young professionals aged 18-35 who are creating the fabric of our city and shaping the future of the Gold Coast.


Christine Buxton

I moved to the Gold Coast in 2014 for universty and fell in love with the city. I love that volunteering for the Junior Chamber and working for Gold Coast Hospital Foundation allows me to meet more people in our community.

Brett Harron

I am a insolvency accountant and certified numberphile. I can be overly analytical in everyday life, though I tend to loosen up after a few drinks. I love animals and have two rescue greyhounds and a rescue shorthair exotic, all from the AWLQ.

Solange Schuba

I am a mum of 1, work full-time as a Solicitor at Stone Group Lawyers and enjoy philanthropic endeavours that helps others in their personal and career goals. My favourite quote and personal philosophy is “strive not to succeed, but to be of value” and it is this that I aim to achieve as part of the Gold Coast Junior Chamber of Commerce.